The AS Calendar and qualification - an in depth look
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The AS Calendar and qualification Do you want to be crowned Australia’s Strongest Man or Woman? It’s fairly simple – you have to be Australia’s Strongest Man or Woman...
The R word - introduction of AS Records
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The R Word – the introduction of AS records. Author - Mason Dannatt Those of you who have known me for some years now have potentially seen me chuckle, sigh,...
Logarithms - the 2020 revision!
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*Please note – we wrote this article originally in 2016. Consider this a revision, with an additional 3 years of studying and research to add. Second only to possibly the...
Viking Press - give it more thought than a barbarian would
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The Viking press It’s been around, well, we can only assume since the age of the Vikings (can’t confirm this with actual historical research), it routinely appears at WSM, and...
Tacky – adding science to a sticky situation.
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Tacky – adding science to a sticky situation. You don’t have to be Issac Newton to understand the empirical results of your last stone loading session. You either picked up...
The great height debate; do you have to be tall to Strongman, and what’s in it for the little guy?
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The great height debate; do you have to be tall to Strongman, and what’s in it for the little guy? It’s a debate that surfaces in strongman internet ‘forums’ so...
The barbell is making you weaker
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The barbell is making you weaker. Go on, collect your pitch forks and sharpen them up. Get the stake and fire wood and build the pyre high and prepare for...
StrongKids – the future, or just dangerous?
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StrongKids – the future, or just dangerous? I can’t think of a single Strongman/woman competition I have been involved in where there hasn’t been a kid leaning over the fence,...
Make Strongman great, FULL STOP
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Make strongman great, full stop. Let me start straight away by saying that the sport of Strongman and woman is already a great sport. The camaraderie and the excitement of...
Drop it like it's not - Frame carry and farmers carry are not the same deal.
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At the Arnold Australia Strongman Championships this year, we threw two monster frames into the mix, as the much anticipated mystery event. Both pros and amateurs got the chance to...
Take the plunge - When is the best time of year to give strongman a try?
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Have you always wanted to give strongman/strongwoman a shot? Been intrigued about how those giant concrete balls get off the floor, or how people can wield giant dumb bells with...
Logarithms - understanding the physics behind the flagship overhead tool
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Second only to possibly the Atlas stone, the log is by far the most recognizable Strongman event. Traditionally formed from huge timbers, this implement is now seen in all shapes...
Product Insight - Wagon wheels and axle.
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Dating back to the earliest days of competitive strongman, you won't have to look far to find footage of giants who have commandeered the back half of a whole...
I like big butts and I cannot lie : are the glutes the most important muscle group in Strongman?
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I like big butts and I cannot lie : are the glutes the most important muscle group in Strongman? Who would have known, all those years ago, that Sir Mix-a-lot...
Press to impress - Monster DB training tips
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The monster/circus DB is becoming more and more popular in competition around Australia and the world. Although it is a very technical lift, some brute shoulder pressing strength is...
The Crossfit Effect - Preparing for the unknown and unknowable in Strongman.
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The Crossfit Effect - Preparing for the unknown and unknowable in Strongman. For some, the idea of a 'mystery event' in a strongman comp strikes fear into the very heart...
Black magic - Using the split jerk for overhead lifts in Strongman.
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Black magic - Using the split jerk for overhead lifts in Strongman. Just like the sumo dead lift, certain techniques seem to get more attention than others when used in...
Product insight - The Tower Yoke
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Product insight - The tower yoke. The yoke; a simple frame designed to carry weight, usually on ones shoulders, or less commonly across ones forearms, the Zercher carry. Simple yokes...
Product Insight - Monster Dumb bell
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Although it has been seen for decades in the circus all around the globe, the monster dumb bell event is becoming more and more popular in strongman competition at...
Introduction to Strongman Article
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Hi Guys, here is an article we wrote a while back for Crossfit Victoria, discussing the very fundamentals of Strongman training. Although it touches on the competitive side, it mainly...
Legendary Challenge - Milo
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- Yoke 1 mile yoke carry at double bodyweight for time Named after the ancient wrestler/warrior known for his feats of strength. Fabled to have carried his pet calf a...
Legendary Challenge - Ceres
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- Move 700kg over 15meters, twice. the goddess of agriculture/farming. To honour the labourers in the fields, this workout represents their toil during sowing AND harvest. Any carry (except yoke)...
Showing items 1-22 of 22.